“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new”.
Most of us, including myself, don’t have a lot of spare time to share so this #21EarthyDays Challenge is going to cater to the modern day doer more than ever!
In the past I have created a meal plan and grocery list to follow for the 21 Earthy Days with the main goal to simply consume plant before processed every time you choose to eat! (Click here for the last 21 Earthy Days Challenge). If you want to eat processed after that is completely up to you just get in something that came from the earth first; and preferably something living (fresh raw fruits and vegetables). -The purpose of this is to train the hand and mind to reach for the fresh produce when your hungry and possibly craving sugars and fats! If you can master this your entire eating habits will change!
This time I thought we could change the format to include mini daily bench marks to work in your day as you see fit! Throughout the week I will share what I am doing, recipes, and what others who have joined are doing as well for ideas! The past meal plan is here if you want recipes and an idea of what a plant based meal plan can look like.
THE PURPOSE: The overall goal for this challenge is to find a lifestyle that supports the quality of life YOU want to live while supporting the planets health and keeping in mind ethical and equality living. I am hoping you can have a chance to experience the healing and charging benefits from a plant based diet that we all desire- increased energy, mood, a healthy and happy digestive system, clear skin, muscle tone, and an overall well functioning happy body and mind!
Take it as far as you want or test the waters if its overwhelming. My wish in the end is that you can learn to listen to your own bodily cues, become an expert on you and find a lifestyle you can feel good about and that works with you not against you.
Yo-yo diets are so 2010! What if you could live in a way that never felt like you were dieting ever again. A lifestyle that you can live abundantly and freely and just simply feels right! I hope that this challenge can help one find balance in one’s life while supporting the consumption of healthy natural foods and refrain from animal products. If giving up whatever it is that scares you to give up is too big of a pill to swallow than don't worry about it just try doing these 6 goals each day and fill in the blanks how ever you wish!
4 Rules:
- Never Restrict- Eat when hungry while practicing listening to your body’s cues.
- Stay stocked! Think-smoothie supplies- salad supplies, big pot of lentils or black beans and rice for easy meal etc (check here for ideas).
- Exercise your discipline- get uncomfortable. Challenge yourself a little beyond you think you can! Change is easy said no one…;)
- Treat this as an adventure and have fun with it!!
- Eat plant before processed every time you're about to eat something. - ex apple, smoothie, cut up veggies, your pop corn bowl sized salad. Preferable something raw and water dense as opposed to dried fruit and nuts if possible.
- Drink a tall glass of water before each meal Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. 4 Liters is the end goal every day. - * What I have been doing is filling up my hydro flask first thing every morning and I bring it with me every where I go.
- Eat one large leafy green salad at some point of every day- feel free to turn it into a "nourish bowl"
- Drink 1 smoothie or mono meal at some point each day (preferably first meal of the day).
- Take 5 minutes out of every day to close your eyes and think of the things that you feel grateful for, what you did that day and what you want to accomplish tomorrow. Feel free to write your thoughts down or just reflect and internalize for a couple of minutes.
- Break a sweat every week day. I don’t care how you do it but do it! Yoga, jog, HIIT, a hike, take the stairs, play with your kids, clean your house extra fast….whatever you want just feel some sweat beads run down your chest!
- BONUS think of something nice to do for someone else each day. As we are working on ourselves its amazing how charging it can be to focus our attention on someone else. ex: give someone a sincere compliment, invite someone over for dinner, call up an old friend, or family member, offer to babysit your friends kids :)
Have fun with these! I am going to try and do all of them hehe! Share with us if ya do! ;)
- Go for a walk
- Take a day off social media
- Watch the sunset
- Wake up for sunrise
- Make soup for a neighbor or friend
- Have a plant based theme potluck
- Make a mud mask
- Call a loved one, tell them you love them. Talk about one of your favorite memories with them
- Call a friend and let them know what you love most about them and why they are special to you
- Organize a drawer in your house
- Make a giveaway bag of old clothes and give it to someone that you know will appreciate them.
- Go skinny dipping ;)
- Replace something in your cupboard with an organic replacement, i.e. white sugar for coconut sugar, Jiffy or Skippy for natural peanut butter, pasta for organic gluten free pasta
- Visit your farmers market
- Write a love letter
- Go on a new adventure (hike, surf, try a new hole in the wall restaurant)
- take someone out on a date! (your crush, a brother, a parent, a friend!)
Day 1- Self Reflect
Ask yourself- What is motivating you to do this health challenge? What do you want to gain? What are you afraid of? What are you willing to do to reach your goals.
Reflection is the most important step of all. Facing what is it you want in life and giving the energy to confront it head on and internalize these desires as well as what you are willing to do to prepare yourself to get there.
Below is a Calendar you can print out with all the details on it! I'm so excited and really looking forward to hear how you are doing! If you would like to share any part of your journey with us or journal it all online use hashtag #21earthydays on instagram. You will notice on the calendar there are colored circles, check them off every time you meet your daily goal! I am really looking forward to connecting more and genuinely hope that you will receive whatever it is you are looking to gain from this! Aloha!! Remember we are doing it together and feel free to reach out in the comments on instagram with any questions you have! Much love!
-Andy @earthyandy