Welcome to Earthy Andy! I look forward to getting to know all of you! I hope you enjoy browsing through the new site. If you have questions, comments or concerns, I would love to hear them.
It is full of health information, recipes, videos, Hawaii life, meal plans and much more.
My motivation for making this site is to provide information, guidance and support to anyone out there that is looking for it. Scrolling through other peoples’ sites and hearing others’ success stories sparked hope inside of me, so I thought I would add to all the wonderful information and helping hands that are out there! If this helps even one person, I am beyond happy!
For those of you that don't know me, my name is Andrea, some of you know me as @earthyandy on instagram! Hi! I live on the North Shore of Oahu, I'm married to the love of my life and we have two little boys together! We spend much of our time on the beaches playing in the surf and enjoying Hawaii's natural play group! Family is everything to me. If there is love in the home and we are looking out for each other- life is good! Now that health is on my side, I feel that I am a better mom, a better wife, a better friend, a better me. Health truly is priceless.
This year I was on a quest to solve my health once and for all and I found success following a high carb low fat vegan diet with a focus on food combining.
I am no longer taking medication or have the health issues I use to! This was truly an answer to my prayers and I am enjoying vitality more than ever before! I was hoping to feel normal and instead I feel outstanding! It has been a complete upgrade of life!
I wish health and happiness upon each and everyone of you! I will share what I have found works for me in hopes that it may help you in your own health journey all while having a little fun! If anything maybe we can share some recipes and laughs :)
I should note that all health claims in www.earthyandy.com have been approved by a health care professional Dr. Diana Joy Ostroff, hoping that this may be of help to anyone looking forhealth advice.
Well that is for now, here it is! I wish you a beautiful day and look forward to hearing and learning more about you!