Aloha! And welcome to 21 Earthy Days where we can together support and motivate each other to start the year off with more mindful living with a focus on what foods we let enter our mouth!
Throughout the entire challenge the number one daily trial is to choose plant over processed every single time you eat. That doesn't mean you cant have processed it just means that before you allow anything processed in your mouth you must choose something plant first (fruits, vegetables, smoothies, legumes, lentils etc)- Preferably something raw and fresh but do the best you can.
You will find that if you eat enough of the plant food it will give your mind and body a chance to settle, and reevaluate your diet choices. This goals purpose to get oneself use to grabbing plant based foods. Its a conscious and maybe right now not as desirable choice, but the benefits of it are very desirable.
The fact is, health is a constant subject that each and everyone of us is addressed with on a daily basis whether we are conscious of it or not. And the truth is our existence depends on our health and to some degree the quality of our existence depends on our state of health.
Personally I have found the most success and freedom through a holistic and plant based approach to living.
To start off the 21 Earthy Days and the new year I want to encourage each of you to choose one word to set your intentions.
Therefore :
Day 1: The focus : MENTALITY: Choose a word to set your intentions, write it down and then define it. Internalize why you are choosing this word, what it means to you and what you are hoping to accomplish in your days to come. You might feel this is personal or want to share it here, on the facebook forum or on your Instagram page. if you do use the hashtag #21earthydays to connect and share with others. This word can be your mantra for the year.
The ultimate goal of the 21 Earthy days is encourage intentional and mindful living with what we think, act, feel, do and eat. Eating in particular is something we all do on a conscious level every day. Through each day we make choices in what we let enter our mouth. We are going to use these constant opportunities as a way to practice our discipline and practice mindful living while simultaneously improving our over all health and the health of the planet !
There are many reasons we want change, it may be for our health, our vanity, the planet, a desire to improve, or to feel more connected... what ever the reason, from my own experience I have found it most helpful to have a number of reasons which comes from getting educated. My health change and ultimately my lifestyle change started with my desire to fix my health but it has become much more than that and those other reason is what makes you internalize what it is your doing and makes you stick to it long term. You begin to believe in it and its important to you, this is how it becomes a lifestyle.
During the 21 days we are going to have mini challenges not only for how we eat but how we live !
Stay tuned each day!
Here on you can find guidance and information on plant based living and@earthyandy on instagram for daily posts and facebook for articles and a support forum
Looking forward to connecting with you further and hoping we can encourage each other. If you have questions or concerns please let me know!
Andy xo