Smoothie Bowls
A Few Tips:
All recipes make enough for one smoothie bowl
Blueberry Slush (enough for 1 smoothie bowl)
2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup + apple sauce
1-2 ripebananas
blend until smooth
frozen berries defrosted slightly
sliced banana
coconut shreds
rawnola or granola
the frozen berries make everything Slushies and refreshing!
Pink Passion
3 frozen bananas
1 beet
2 handfuls of strawberries
1/4 + almond mylk
sweetener of choice I use coconut sugar or stevia
Blender until smoothie
After Surf Smoothie Bowl
1 acai packet
3 handfuls of frozen mango (or any fruit- also love blueberries)
2 frozen bananas
just enough almond mylk or apple juice to blend
chopped up fruits (kiwi, banana, mango etc)
Rwanda or granola
coconut shreds (toasted coconut is amazing)
The Warrior Bowl
2 handful Frozen Blueberries
2 frozen Bananas
2 acai Packet
Mango Nectar or almond mylk as liquid
Blend until smooth! (I like letting my frozen fruits sit in the blender for a few minutes so its blends with less liquid (make for a thicker consistency)
Add Loads of Toppings and Bottomings
Rawnolaor Granola
as much fresh fruits as you can get your hands on chopped
topped with coconut
Clemintine Mango Smoothie