21 Earthy Days is ultimately a health challenge to encourage more plant based foods into ones diet while simultaneously inviting holistic balance into ones life! This one has a "stoked to sweat" portion lead by my sister in law Mona! You might know her as fitness guru @rocamoon, and a mini sustainible and gratitude challenge along side the ultimate challenge to eat "plant over processed" at each meal. See below and feel free to make it your own!   I will be doing it with you and answering questions on IG posts as much as I can! 

Hello hello!  We got back a week and a half ago from a few months of traveling and although we ate good, we indulged a lot too! Too much salt, oil, yummy treats and processed foods really adds up and  its actually become an awesome reminder of why eating clean on a consistent basis is so awesome and beneficial. Your energy, body composition and mood are just 10 times better as a result!

In the end its really a matter of finding a balanced lifestyle that works for you and thats what I hope this challenge helps you create more than anything else! Personally, I follow a 80% really good choices and 20% not as good choices. i.e. 80% Living raw foods 20% processed or cooked foods. 

Feel free to take this as far as you want to!  I will post tips and try to answer as many questions as possible to help you, and if you are open to share your experience or even a cool recipe with us all who are doing it  use the hashtag #21earthydays on instagram! You can also check out my meal plan with recipes here and past 21 earthydays challenges here. For more information, tips, educational resources, and recipes take a look through my website for starters! This is everything I learned and used to change my own health. Note all health claims and information on my blog have been approved by certified doctor Joy Ostroff. 


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GOAL 1: 

#1. Very Cherry Vanilla Nice Cream.jpeg

PLANT BEFORE PROCESSED: Eat plant before processed every time you're about to eat something. (Even if you're going to eat something processed make a promise to yourself you will get something in fresh first). - ex apple, smoothie, cut up veggies, a pop corn bowl sized salad. Preferably something raw and water dense as opposed to dried fruit and nuts if possible. The purpose of this is to train the hand and mind to reach for the fresh produce when your hungry and possibly craving sugars and fats! This will help settle your cravings, guarantee to get nutrients in your body and help you stay on track. If you can master this alone your entire eating habits will change! 

GOAL 2: 


BREAK A SWEAT: Every day of the work week, break a sweat! In whatever way you want just challenge your body, get your heart pumping and break a sweat! My sister in @rocamoon has created some epic workouts we can do together for anyone who wants a plan! Follow her for updates, work outs and tips and check out her 21 days of stoked to sweat here! Thanks for putting this together Mona!! I can't wait! Side note, Mona change my despise for burpees and other exercises into something I actually crave and as a result lt I feel leaner and stronger! Mixing in her workouts with swims, surf, yoga, beach runs, etc has kept things interesting, challenging and fun!


STRAW & PLASTIC WATERBOTTLE FREE: For 21 days see if you can refrain from using any plastic straws and plastic water bottles! This may be super easy for you or a hard challenge! Straws and plastic water bottles are everywhere and wreak havoc on our oceans and environment. See if you can either bring your own reusable  straw and bottle around with you or drink without one! If this is too easy, make your own sustainable challenge! 


SHOW GRATITUDE: Every day take a moment to close your eyes and think about 5 things you are grateful for that day. Reflect on what happened that day, did anything stand out to you that made you smile or feel grateful, did a friend help you out, do you have good neighbors, did your boyfriend or your husband or mom or child or even a stranger make you feel loved some how, are you grateful for a strong body or mind...whatever it is, just take a moment to really relish in these things and moments!

In a nut shell these are the four goals! Plant before processed, break a sweat, go straw free and gratitude! Feel free to share with us all who are joining using tags #21earthydays and #stokedtosweat.

Most every day I will share a tip of the day, and recipe idea of the day! I will use IG stories and posts if you'd like to follow along on @earthyandy and @rocamoon will be sharing tips and exercises on her page!  See if you can grab a friend or a family member to do it with ya! 

Hey! For those of you that got my where focus goes energy flows bowls this is a great time to put them to use!! Show us what you create in your coconut! And if you want to get one click here! 

Hey! For those of you that got my where focus goes energy flows bowls this is a great time to put them to use!! Show us what you create in your coconut! And if you want to get one click here! 


NOTE: I started this health journey 3 years ago purely for health reasons but the more I learned the more I realized how much of our lifestyle goes full circle and effects the planet and can make an ethical difference! If it wasn't for internalizing these issues, I think I would have a hard time living plant based vegan consistently. Its these reasons that give more purpose and meaning beyond myself. In saying that, I don't know where you are on your own journey or what your current beliefs are but if you're readying this you're curious and have an open mind. Keep that curiosity and use it to your advantage! If want to go  fully vegan go for it!! If it's much too intimidating right now, try 'meatless mondays', or have one vegan meal a day! Feel it out! And if you are keeping the goal of "plant before processed" you are automatically cutting down on the amount of animal products you might have been eating before, and how much plastic waste you create - not to mention the many health benefits you will gain! I remember being shocked to stay the least!  So without further adieu lets get going and see what the next weeks brings!!

Please use instagram comment as a way to communicate as direct message or email is not possible for me! I hope thats okay! Lots of love!!

-Andy xoxo
